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Perennials & Biennial Seeds

Nepeta x faasenii or mussinii 'Clear Blue' / Garden Catmint / Seeds
£ 1.79
A first year flowering Catmint, with neat spikes of lavender-blue flowers from May to September.
Pack of seeds (approx 300 seeds)
Nepeta x faasenii or mussinii 'White' / Garden Catmint / Seeds
£ 1.79
A first year flowering Catmint, with neat spikes of white flowers from May to September.
Pack of seeds (approx 300 seeds)
Oenothera biennis / Common Evening Primrose / Seeds
£ 1.69
A lovely lemon-scented plant with large yellow flowers from June to September.
Packet of seeds (Approx 1000 seeds)
Oenothera kunthiana 'Glowing Magenta' / Dwarf Evening Primrose / Ozark Sundrops / Seeds
£ 1.79
A Dwarf Evening Primrose with dark pink flowers from May to September.
Packet of seeds (100 small seeds)
Oenothera macrocarpa / Dwarf Evening Primrose / Ozark Sundrops / Seeds
£ 1.51
A Dwarf Evening Primrose with attractive golden flowers from June to September.
Packet of seeds (50 seeds)
Oenothera pallida 'Innocence' / Evening Primrose / Seeds
£ 1.79
A scented Evening Primrose with white to pink-tinged flowers all summer from June to September/October.
Packet of seeds (Approx 100 seeds)
Oenothera versicolor 'Sunset Boulevard' / Evening Primrose / Seeds
£ 1.79
An Evening Primrose with orange to red flowers from June to August
Packet of seeds (50 seeds)
Oregano / Oreganum vulgare / Aromatic Culinary Herb / Seeds
£ 1.49
A hardy and aromatic form of Oregano grown mostly for the tasty leaves.
Pack of seeds (Approx 3000 small seeds)
Pandorea jasminoides / Bower Vine / Fragrant Climber / Seeds
£ 1.59
A fast growing ever-green climber with scented white and pink flowers in summer and autumn.
Pack of seeds (approx 30 seeds)