| A free flowering Delphinium with white flowers from June to September.
Pack of seeds (50 seeds) |
| | An elegant ornamental grass with sprays of silver flowers in summer from June to September.
Packet of seeds (approx 250 small seeds) |
| | An ornamental grass with pink tinged flowers in summer from June to July.
Packet of seeds (approx 100 small seeds) |
| A British wildflower with attractive speckled pink flowers from July into autumn.
Packet of seeds (approx 100 seeds) |
| | A variety of Maiden Pink with brilliant red flowers in late spring to mid summer.
Packet of seeds (approx 200 seeds) |
| | A later flowering and erect form of Dierama with attractive arching stems of upright flowers from July into autumn.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds) |
| One of the tallest forms of Dierama with arching stems of flowers from July into autumn.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds) |
| | Angel’s Fishing Rod has tall arching stems of pendulous pink flowers in July and August.
Pack of seeds (30 seeds) |
| | A white form of Angel’s Fishing Rod with tall arching stems of pendulous flowers in July to September.
Pack of seeds (10 seeds) |